United Working Families Condemns Bruce Rauner's Illegal Assault on Unions

Union-Busting Executive Order Must Be Overturned

CHICAGO (February 9, 2015) -- Following is the statement of United Working Families executive director Kristen Crowell in response to the illegal executive order issued by Bruce Rauner Monday.

"It didn't take long for Bruce Rauner to display his contempt for workers. We condemn his illegal assault on the public servants who make our state run, and stand with our sisters and brothers as they fight for workers to have a voice.

"This is part of a right-wing playbook written by Rauner "heroes" such as Scott Walker and Mitch Daniels, and we all know that this has nothing to do with the budget issues facing our state. It's a union-busting salvo meant to end labor peace in Illinois, and it must be overturned."