United Working Families is an independent political organization for the many, not the few.
We recruit, train, run, and win with Black and Latinx candidates who come from the rank and file of our movements for racial, social, and economic justice. We organize year-round to build the mass organization we need to define the sides of the debate and expand the landscape of the possible. We combine the mass base of the labor movement with the innovation of the grassroots. We are funded and governed by our working class, majority Black and Latinx, majority women membership. We are unbought, unbossed, and unafraid.
We recruit, train, run, and win with candidates of color who come from the rank and file of our movements.
trainings and fellowships
We build the pipeline of candidates, campaigners, and organizers we need to win governing power.
We bring together the mass base of the labor movement with the innovation of the grassroots to build a politics based on our hopes, not our fears.
issues and policy
We draw a line in the sand on the issues that matter most to our communities.