STATEMENT: Labor Day Violence Raises Questions About Efficacy of More Police


September 5, 2017

CHICAGO- Following is the statement of Emma Tai, Executive Director of United Working Families (UWF) on Chicago’s Labor Day weekend violence.

“As the summer comes to an end, media outlets report that 30 people were shot this Labor Day weekend, adding to the growing number of shootings and homicides in 2017. Our thoughts and prayers are with those affected by the ongoing tragedy playing out in Chicago’s hypersegregated neighborhoods.

“The political response to this crisis continues to fall far short of what working families need and deserve. Mayor Rahm Emanuel deployed 1,300 more police officers to the streets this weekend. But with 30 shootings taking place this weekend--to say nothing of the $662 million spent on payouts and settlements for violent cops last year--we question whether this is truly the best use of the city’s considerable resources.

“Black unemployment in Chicago is on par with the Great Depression, far outpacing the national average. If Mayor Emanuel is serious about stopping Chicago’s violence, he needs to demand that his wealthy donors pay their fair share of taxes so that the city can create good-paying jobs and flourishing schools. Only real public investment in the people and families of Chicago’s south and west sides--not downtown CEO’s--will stop violent crime.”


United Working Families is an independent political organization by and for the 99%, established in 2014 by the Chicago Teachers Union, SEIU Healthcare, Action Now, and Grassroots Illinois Action.