New Video Shows Ald. Rey Colon's Wobbly DUI Defense: "Unfit to Drive"--Or Lead

CHICAGO (January 29, 2015)--Breaking new video shows just how Ald. Rey Colon beat his SECOND drunk-driving rap, even though he failed a field sobriety test after he was pulled over in the wee hours of the morning with his lights off, crossing the lines and driving without a valid driver's license.

The cringe-worthy new video, revealed late Wednesday by DNAinfo Chicago, shows the 35th Ward alderman failing several elements of the field sobriety test-for which he subsequently was arrested with "bloodshot glassy red eyes," and being found "unfit to drive."

It would have been Colon's second conviction for such an offense-but he refused a breathalyzer test. That would have caused his license to be suspended-if it hadn't been already.

In the aftermath, Colon took no responsibility for his actions.

Watch Rey Colon fail his field sobriety test here.

Following is the response of Kristen Crowell, executive director of United Working Families, to the video.

"The new video casts total doubt not only on Ald. Rey Colon's judgment, but his truthfulness with the people he's supposed to serve. The fact of the matter is he shouldn't have been on the road in the first place.

"As a mother, I join countless 35th Ward parents who are appalled that Rey Colon took no responsibility for putting lives at risk. The police found him 'unfit to drive.' The new video shows that he's unfit to serve as alderman for the 35th Ward."