Berwyn United Slate Fires Shot Across the Bow for Complacent Democrats

People-Powered Progressive Slate Shakes up Suburban Primary with Eight Electoral Victories BERWYN - United Working Families, an independent political organization powered by progressive labor and community organizations, congratulates Berwyn United on its victories in Tuesday's primary. Berwyn United, a 15-candidate slate mounting a progressive challenge to the Berwyn political establishment, picked up eight seats on Tuesday.

Following is the statement of Emma Tai, Executive Director of United Working Families, on the Berwyn United victories in Tuesday's primary.

"United Working Families congratulates the progressive Berwyn United slate and their people-powered challenge to a complacent political establishment.

"This is the first shot across the bow for Democrats in the Trump era. The 15-candidate Berwyn United slate--composed of rank-and-file union members, four LGBTQ candidates, and six Latinos in a rapidly diversifying municipality--mounted a serious, volunteer-led challenge to the political establishment in Berwyn.

"At a time when elites in both parties are helping the rich get richer, the leadership of Berwyn United will fight for a much-needed change in direction. We commend Marge Paul, Cynthia Gutierrez, and the six other Berwyn United candidates who were elected on Tuesday for their commitment to keeping business interests out of politics, funding our public schools, and defending our unions from corporate attacks, and protecting immigrant families from Trump's attacks.

"United Working Families congratulates Berwyn's new City Clerk, City Treasurer, Aldermen, and Township Trustees. We look forward to working together to advance independent, progressive politics in 2017 and beyond."


United Working Families is an independent political organization by and for the 99%, established in 2014 by the Chicago Teachers Union, SEIU Healthcare, Action Now, and Grassroots Illinois Action.

Teachers, healthcare workers, and union members came together last weekend to talk with our neighbors in Berwyn about the need for political change!
