Movement Leader Fellows
The 2019 Class of Movement Leader Fellows at their graduation party in May.
Building the next generation of progressive political leadership.
Since 2018, UWF has built a pipeline of over 180 working-class candidates, campaigners, and organizers of color. Our Movement Leader Fellowship is central to these efforts.
Through the fellowship, UWF trains people of color from the rank-and-file of social movements. Fellows are embedded in a UWF campaign and/or member action committee, where they play lead roles and hone their skills on what it takes to run for office or run a campaign.
Notable alumni of the program include 33rd Ward Alderwoman Rossana Rodriguez Sanchez, Party Committee members Anna Green and Kerry Luckett (members of SEIU HCII and CCCTU Local 1600, respectively) and labor organizers Rigoberto Campos and Alejandra Avila
“There aren’t many organizations like UWF that are building political power ... The entire experience was great. I would recommend it to anyone interested in political organizing. It shows that when people come together, you can do great things.””
WBEZ profiled Movement Leader Fellow Hope Pickett and UWF Elections Chair Erica Bland-Durosinmi.